السلام عليكم
Focused on Education and Cultivation (Tasfiyyah Wa Tarbiyyah)
Masjid Ahlus-Sunnah is a community that adheres to the Quran and the authentic Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf [the first three generations of Muslims]. We are dedicated to equipping the community with sound Islamic knowledge and assisting them to implement this in their daily lives.
We hope to establish a community that has a positive influence in the city of Fort Wayne and beyond, religiously, socially and economically, without compromising the fundamental tenets of Islām.
Our example for this is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companions, as they were a nation, united in their worship of Allāh alone and their abandonment of all forms and manifestations of Shirk [polytheism], who drastically changed their society within twenty-three years, replacing oppression and ignorance with justice and knowledge.
As-Salaf As-Sālih (The Pious Predecessors): The Salaf are the people of the early virtuous generations. Whoever follows their path and proceeds upon their methodology is a Salafi. So the Salaf are Companions of Muhammad (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and the three generations that came after them. They are also called Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah, As-hābul- Hadīth and Ahlul-Hadīth. Whoever accepts them and follows their path precisely in belief, methodology and religion is upon true guidance.
Salafism (or Salafiyyah) is the true Path in following Islam and the Sunnah. A Salafi is one who follows the path of the Salaf As-Sālih exactly without alteration.
The terms Salafi, Sunni, Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah, As- hābul-Hadeeth and Ahlul-Hadeeth are interchangeable. All these titles refer to the same body of people who all follow the same path.
To be a Salafi means adhering to the Creed, Methodology and the way of life of the Salaf As-Sālih (the Pious Predecessors). The earliest of the Salaf was the generation of our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and his Companions. Then after them came the virtuous three generations of believers who held fast to the Sunnah (Path) of the Prophet and his Companions. The person who understands this path correctly, follows it exactly, without introducing anything into it and nor deviating from it is a Salafi. To be a Salafi is not merely to imagine that one is upon the true path of the Salaf, but Salafism is to study the religion of the Companions and follow it — it was they who understood best the meanings and intent of the speech and actions of the Prophet ( ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam).
Taken from www.AbuKhadeejah.com
“Under no circumstances allow the fear of the people to prevent a man from speaking the truth if he is aware of it, sees it, or hears it.”
(At-Tirmidhi, and authenticated by Al-Albāni, As-Silsilah, no. 168)
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You can get involved by donating your time, special skills, or services.
Our mission is to establish a masjid for the community of Ahlus Sunnah to come together.