A questioner asks the noble Scholar, Shaykh Rabīʿ ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī a question stating: I am new to Salafīyyah, which is the truth, and I do not know what I should do now?
"Seek religious knowledge from its primary sources, and cooperate with your Salafī brothers upon righteousness and piety in spreading this Daʿwah"
-Shaykh Rabī ibn Hādī
The questioner says,
"Indeed, I love you for the sake of Allāh. O Shaykh, I am new to Salafīyah, which is the truth, and I do not know what I should do now. So provide me with some direction – may Allāh bless you."
The Shaykh (may Allāh preserve him) responded:
"Establish the prayer, give Zakāh and make your religion purely and sincerely for the sake of Allāh, the Lord of the whole of the creation.
Seek religious knowledge from its primary sources, and cooperate with your Salafī brothers upon righteousness and piety in spreading this Daʿwah.
Give in the way of this Daʿwah, if you possess something that you can give in order to support it.
Perform the righteous deeds, all of the various types.
Establish the obligations, and learn about the pillars of Islām and the legislated rulings of the religion.
Learn about the Salafī methodology, the foundations of it and the subsidiary matters pertaining to it.
All of this is covered by His Saying,
"Except those who believe and perform righteous actions." [al-'ʿAṣr: 2]
Therefore, it is upon you to have true faith, righteous actions and to cooperate in this upon righteousness and piety."
Taken from al-ʿIlm Afḍal Mā Taksibuhu al-Nufūs, p. 74.
Translated by Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī